
GP Consultation - £100
GP consultations are scheduled for 15 minutes which is typically sufficient for one issue. If you have multiple concerns or a complex long standing issue then please book a double appointment.

Weight Loss (per pen)
Initial consultation - £100
Monthly follow up consultation - £100
Wegovy 0.25, 0.5 & 1 mg - £200
Wegovy 1.7 mg - £250
Wegovy 2.4 mg - £300
Mounjaro 2.5 & 5 mg - £200
Mounjaro 7.5 & 10 mg - £225
Mounjaro 12.5 & 15 mg - £250

Repeat Prescriptions
Prescription (free during consultation) - £40
Controlled Drugs Prescription (free during consultation) - £60

Private Referral - £60
Ear syringing - £100
Phlebotomy services / Blood & Urine tests - On Request

Home Visit Call out fee (5 miles radius)
During practice hours - £500 (inc consultation & prescription)
Out of hours - On Request
Outwith 5 miles radius - On Request

All allergy test prices below do NOT include the £100 consultation fee.

Skin-prick testing
Skin-prick testing (max 6 allergens) - £80

Blood tests
1 x Single Individual Allergen - £40
5 x Single Individual Allergens - £150

Botox - 1 area - £150
Botox - 2 areas - £200
Botox - 3 areas - £250
Underarm Sweating - £400
Head and Neck Sweating - £250
Migraine Treatment - £250
Gummy Smile - £150   

Offshore Medicals
OGUK - £150

Fit to train - In-water EBS Medical - £100

Wind Turbine / RUK Medical - £250

ERT Medical - £350
Chester Step Test - £100

Well Man / Well Woman Screen - £850

HGV / LGV - DVLA (D4) - £150

Other employment Medicals - On request

Visa Medicals
Bahrain Visa Medical - £950
British Virgin Islands Visa Medical - £500
Brunei Visa Medical - £950

Cayman Islands Visa Medical - £500
China Visa Medical - £650
Greek Visa Medical - £150
Iraq Visa / Work Medical - On request
Japan - JET medical - £350 / £400
Kuwait Visa Medical - £950

Saudi Arabia Visa Medical - £750

South Africa Visa Medical - £400

Spain Visa Medical - £150
USA - Campamerica / AmeriCamp medicals - £150
Others - On request

STI Screen Standard - £180
STI Screen Comprehensive - £380
HIV Test - Duo Test - £150
Cervical Smear (PAP Smear + HPV Test) - £250

Prices are per dose and include consultation supply and administration.

BCG (TB) - £100
Cholera (2 doses) - £50
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio (1 dose) - £50
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio & Pertussis - £90
Hepatitis A (1 dose) - £50
Hepatitis B (3 doses) - £90
Hepatitis A & B - £120
HPV (2/3 doses) - £200
Japanese Encephalitis (2 doses) - £ 150
Meningitis ACWY (1 dose) - £90
Measles Mumps & Rubella (MMR) (1-2 doses) - £120
Meningitis B (1-3 doses) - £150
Whooping cough / Pertussis - £90
Rabies (3 doses) - £90
Tick borne Encephalitis (3 doses) - £90
Typhoid (1 dose) - £50
Vitamin B12 - £100
Yellow Fever (1 dose) - £90
Malaria Tablets (Atov/prog) - £4 (per tablet)

TB testing
Mantoux test (Skin Prick Test) - £100
Quantiferon (blood test) - £200

Other immunisations
BCG (TB) - £100
Meningitis B (3 doses) - £150
HPV vaccine (2-3 doses) - £200
Chickenpox (2 doses) - £95

Flu - £50

Single Measles vaccine (2 doses)- £110
Single Mumps vaccine - Not available
Single Rubella vaccine - Not available
MMR vaccine (2 doses) - £120

Shingles vaccine
Zostavax - not available at GP Matters
Shingrix (2 doses) - £300

Vitamin B12 - £100